Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sorry, I'm just feeling a little mad at the moment.

I'm in the middle of my mid-term break at the moment and I'm going out trick or treating as a pirate (har-har!) on Friday with my friends. We must look like a right trio when we go out, a pirate, a fairy and a witch !
Our height and all might make us look weird, oh well, if we were able to get into a film as under 15s then maybe, just maybe, we won't look too silly going around dressed up for halloween!

Anyway, if some of you were wondering, the talent show my class organised went really well last Friday, I forgot my camera so I couldn't get any pictures. The hall looked great! We got to wear our own clothes in (oh yeah!!!) but we had to wear some small costume thing like fairy wings (which is what I wore in).
The acts were brilliant! Unfortunately, there was a problem with the music about halfway through the show but we sorted it out really quick and everyone loved the talent show!

We got our teacher who's going on maternity leave up on the stage with our class at the end of the show in front of over 100 people to give her some presents! She got really embarrassed. It was so funny!
Then we couldn't find our other L.C.V.P. teacher, but gave him some wine and chocolates at the end of the show after most people left. We didn't quite get the reaction we wanted.
After all, when we gave him the stuff he cursed pretty loud and asked what the stuff was for, instead of saying thanks or anything like that. LOL!

Guess what?!

It snowed for ages earlier today, well it was more sleet but I still hope we actually get some snow this year! That would be so cool! Get it? Cool? Okay, stupid joke.
It's freezing anyway, about 2-3 degrees Celsius in October!!! Very cold for this time of year here.
Most likely it's because of global warming or something like that. Stop dumping your rubbish people! One of the slogans that won in a competition in school last year was "Don't be bitter, bin your litter!". Okay, I can't believe I just thought of school while I'm off!

Anyway, I better go now.

Sorry about the long post.

I'll try to post some pictures or videos soon to make things a bit more interesting!

Fly on forever !

The Girl Who Could Fly


strawbeesplash said...

postie piccie!!!!!

Hoshi said...

ok sorry for coming back but wow. Queen of bitches? interesting. I've been called many things and that hasn't been one of them as of yet! *busts up laughing* Ok I swear I won't come back. Seriously this time. And it sounds like you had an awesome time. Cheers! See ya peeps who hate me. And look I'm sorry about everything okay? Really. I'm using this one chance Dark Gothavian gave me. And I'm really not scared... but anyway, sorry. I'll try to remember not to be stupid next time. /=] Look I really am a nice person... and I'm sorry about everything... I'm an honest person, too. I'm being honest with you, I never meant to pick a fight with you, or your obvious array of friends. SIncerely, I'm sorry, okay? You really were sad and I hate to make people feel bad. But I also don't appreciate it when people get mad at me for little things. That really makes me mad. Anyway, for like the zillionth time to a complete stranger, I'm sorry. And if you wanted to forgive me, I would like to be friends with you. ALl of you... even if you seem a bit hostile and dangerous in your own right. Ok I'm gone... you know where to find me if you... you know forgive me... Ok look I'm sorry and you can delete this comment forever if you really want to... because yes I"m a retarded American... you should have seen me in Honors geography today... wow... ok see ya.

Hoshi said...

sorry about the long comment.