Friday, November 21, 2008

Really Funny Star Wars Song!!!

Who likes Star Wars?

Just kidding. The guy in this video is great! LOL! He put words to theme music from different movies. You have to watch it. It's hilarious! Especially when he imitates a wookiee!

Hope you enjoyed that video!

I'll try to post another funny video or something like that soon to try to keep everyone's spirits up 'cause I'm not the only one who's really stressed out here.

I have an idea what videos I'll post next, I'm sure some of you will love them!

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly


Cruz said...

LOL I LOVED THAT VID! haha I have to show that to my friend, he'd love it. TTYL

strawbeesplash said...

i didn't get any sound on this computer, but i'm sure it was funny.
watching the faces was enough

Salom said...

i saw it before. its hilarious
and yes i know im on saloms profile

Anonymous said...

well... all I have to say is...


Anonymous said...

And, if you noticed, it was all the same guy.

Hoshi said...

that was funny!

and heck, you're a way good singer!

Plus, the phone always warps it. I never actually know what I sound like. But you're way good!!! Keep it up!

LOL to the video on this post!!!

Dark Gothavian, please don't kill me for being on here because we're kinda friends now. I hope...

The Girl Who Could Fly, please don't throw me to anyone like meat... I won't appreciate it.... lol