Saturday, April 25, 2009

NEW LAYOUT AND PLAYLIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys, it's The Girl Who Could Fly again :D

I did up my profile and added a new playlist with more Irish music to my blog - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! :P
Don't worry, the old playlist is still there though but the new one plays when you open my blog. I hope you like it!

I hope the new layout on my blog is not too bad. I've a poll on my blog about it. Please vote and comment and let me know what you think.

I might be posting a video of myself singing 'My Heart Will Go On' - Celine Dion. I might do one other recording 'cause I mess up on a hard note in the one I have right now. It's pretty embarrassing 'cause my voice goes a bit weird and sort of cuts off during that long note. LOL! It sounds horrible.

I better go now. SUBWAY FOR LUNCH!!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! OH YEAH!!! -does a little victory dance and falls over- Ow!


Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly


Avion said...

hey thats cool. i think im gona change mine soon