Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anyone Here???

Does anyone ever come on here anymore? Never mind check out my blog, I'm just wondering if anyone even uses blogger anymore :s

The Girl of Blue Flame <3


Talon said...

me and shady

Dark wolf said...

I come on still

Skye said...


I'm on gaia, facebook and gmail moreso now than anything.

I don't really get to talk much anymore though 'cause my granny's in hospital with most likely terminal lung cancer, grandad's in hospital with a broken hip, we're still having a load of trouble after mum was in a car accident last week and she has bad whiplash and my stepdad has pancreatitis and he's drinking himself to death. I'm busy with college but I'm trying to find a job so I can quit college, help with the bills and get enough money to go over to Philly to see Gus which is REALLY hard to do since mum won't let me.

So yeah, everything's REALLY bad here right now T_T
I think I'm in shock or something here since I found out how bad granny's cancer is 'cause I just can't feel anything or even cry :(

To say the least everything is terrible here right now and I can't talk much :(